D I S C O V E R I N G   Y O U R   S P I R I T U A L   G I F T S

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The Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts workshop provides an opportunity for individual participants to discover more about their own spiritual gifts as a means of enhancing their service to the world with a greater sense of personal fulfillment. This workshop has been developed by Paul Smith, co-pastor of Broadway Church located in Kansas City, Missouri who has been actively involved in spiritual growth and renewal since 1955.

The Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts workshop deals with these questions:

  • What is the Biblical basis of spiritual gifts?
  • What are spiritual gifts and why are they important?
  • Who has spiritual gifts and what are they for?
  • What is gift exultation and projection?
  • Are spiritual gifts and natural talents the same?
  • What are the marks of a spiritual gift?
  • Are all gifts of equal importance?
  • What are the effects of gift misuse or disuse in a local church?
  • What are my spiritual gifts and how can I develop them?

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The Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts workshop is available in the following formats: 

  1. Free Self-Assessment Only - A free of charge web-based questionnaire that will help you identity your spiritual gifts and which gifts you are currently using plus what additional gifts you have to potentially use given the right circumstances and/or opportunities. 
  1. Self-Study Version - Complete the entire workshop at your own leisure and pace using the complementary set of workshop tools that will help you fully discover your spiritual gifts. This version of the workshop is available for a nominal fee and includes a more comprehensive version of the Self-Assessment questionnaire and much more.
  1. Instructor-Led Version - For individuals who desire to gain the most experience from the spiritual gifts discovery process in a fun-filled, classroom-style environment.

This version of the workshop is conducted by trained experts who possess several years of experience in teaching others how to discover their spiritual gifts. Each session involves both teaching and group activities that is designed to reinforce the workshop concepts and to enhance the overall experience of discovery spiritual gifts. Missing any workshop session will hinder the full benefit of the spiritual gifts discovery process. Each participant will have an opportunity for self-reflection and evaluation in addition to getting helpful feedback from others about their own gifts. Through this version of the workshop you will learn how to identify your spiritual gifts and to become fully aware of which gifts you are currently using and which gifts you have the potential to use given the right set of circumstances. Participating in the Instructor-Led version of the Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts workshop is a great way to affirm your discovered gifts and to receive encouragement in continuing the process of becoming more aware of your gifts and how to make the best use of your gifts in service to others. This version of the workshop is available for a nominal fee for individual registration. Group rates for groups of people in the Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area are also available. 


Please select the version of the workshop you would like and
click on the button corresponding to your choice below.

Welcome to the journey of discovering and strengthening your spiritual gifts.

Format 1 -

Format 2 -

Format 3 -